• The facial routine that will transform your skin

February 15, 2017

For those of you who like to indulge in a Day/Night skin ritual, this facial protocol will take your skin care regimen to the next level and you are going to love it! 

For those of you who just the thought of it is already overwhelming, trust me, you will soon tell yourself why didn’t I do this before! You will discover a renewed radiance in your skin and a new beautiful sensorial experience each night ;) I am a working mother of two, my day starts at 5:45am and most days the thought of going to bed starts haunting me at 7pm while giving the shower, feeding and reading a story to my daughters! Sometimes it takes me a great deal of effort to get on with my skincare routine but I do it and look forward for it because I know in 10 minutes I am going to feel like I had a spa day, it will uplift my mood and relax my senses; not to mention the transformative effect it will have on your skin.

So where to start?

Cleansing. Cleansing. Cleansing. Period.

Not your quick miscellar water wipe or presoaked cleansing wipes and that’s it. Very often these products are filled with synthetics, preservatives and chemical ingredients that might dry, irritate your skin without truly cleansing.

Cleansing is the most important step in your skin care. It is skin changing. It’s the foundation without which your skin will never reach its optimal state of health and radiance no matter the amounts of expensive serums and creams you use. Make up, dirt, toxins, pollution, dead skin cells build up on your skin on a daily basis and form a thick layer of impurities that a quick rinse or wipe won’t remove. If allowed to build up day after day it will lead to break outs, pre mature aging, skin dullness and other common skin concerns.

In Clean Beauty a proper cleansing routine is a multistep approach using sophisticated and advanced natural products that are packed with actives and skin enhancing ingredients. It includes a daily skin surface cleansing and toning followed by exfoliation and a deeper pore cleansing on regular basis. Below is the recommended multistep approach.

1. Choosing the right natural high quality cleanser based on your skin type and current skin condition. Dry, combination, oily, acne prone, sensitive skin, mature all have adapted cleansers that will support your overall skincare regimen. A high quality cleanser should be free from detergent and irritating chemical ingredients. It will gently cleanse and purify, will restore balance to your skin hydration and protective barrier, will leave your skin feeling subtle, fresh and hydrated.

Discover our Selection of High Performance Natural & Organic Cleansers

2. Your cleanser should always be followed by a toner. Yes toners are essential. We tend to think they are optional or they don’t really have an impact on our skin. On the contrary, a toner will automatically upgrade your skincare routine. It will directly rebalance your skin, and your skin PH and will help the absorption of your following products. Different toners have also different additional benefit such as moisturizing, humectant, anti aging, brightening. Chose the one adapted to your skin type and needs. They are also a great way to uplift your mood.

Discover our Selection of Natural & Organic Toners and Face Mists

3. Regular Exfoliation. Your skin cells renew everyday and build up on the surface of your skin and with time block your pores, trapping impurities, toxins, make up residue, sebum etc. Daily skin surface cleansing is not enough to shed this build up, you need a proper exfoliation to help remove this build up and allow young cells to regenerate and resurface, moisturizers and serums to be better absorbed and to minimize break outs, black heads etc. You should chose the right exfoliation method and frequency depending on your skin type and sensitivities. I will be dedicating a special article on the type of exfoliators and recommended frequency based on each skin type.

4. Regular deep cleansing. Deep cleansing is like a body detox for your skin. It’s a deeper cleanse of the pores to purge deeper impurities, decongest and minimize the appearance of pores and help slow down pre-mature aging caused by exposure to pollution and daily toxins. You should chose the right exfoliation product and frequency based on your skin type and current condition.

This cleansing protocol is the foundation of a healthy, radiant and youthful skin. It should then be followed by your serums, moisturizers, face oils depending on your skin concern: Anti-aging, hydration, elasticity, brightening, break outs etc.  

Discover our Selection of Natural & Organic Face MasksExfoliators and Scrubs


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