• A Message from Annee de Mamiel on Mental Health Awareness Week

May 23, 2020

It is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek this week and never has it felt more apt to reach out and check in with you all. The impact of these unprecedented times is immense and has, I know for many, meant rising levels of worry and anxiety. The pressure on us all to keep calm and carry on is a lot, and that can quite quickly feel overwhelming. It’s why I really believe that in times like these it’s important to practise self-care a little more emphatically. I think finding ways to nurture and care for ourselves is vital at the best of times, but now more than ever it is imperative. One of the best ways to show a little self-love is to get enough sleep. I know I might sound like a broken record when it comes to sleep, but it really is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and is key when it comes to maintaining optimum health and wellbeing. Prioritising regular, good quality sleep each and every night not only helps strengthen your immune system, it helps regulate your mood and improves your focus and productivity levels. If anxious thoughts get the better of me at bedtime, I like to use our Soothe oil from the Sleep Series, which is formulated with a bespoke blend of herbs, vitamins and minerals to gently ease mind turbulence and help us switch off. Nourishing your body with healthy, nutrient-rich foods is also a way to nourish your brain and boost your mood. Choose whole, natural foods and ensure a minimum of five portions of non-starchy vegetables per day. Avoid highly refined foods with added sugar that can spike your blood sugar levels and up the ante of vitamin C-rich foods, an essential vitamin which is thought to reduce the effects of stress. 

Trying to manage your exposure to stress is another way to be a little kinder to yourself. Whether you are working from home, trying to keep busy or attempting to home school your kids, schedule short breaks throughout your day that allow you to simply switch off, change the scenery and do something else. Let go of unrealistic, unnecessary standards or deadline that you may have set yourself and prioritise one thing that makes you feel happy, relaxed and calm everyday. It could be getting out for a walk, soaking in a long hot bath or calling a friend for a catch up. whatever you do, I really hope these tips, inspire you to go easy on yourself and realize that looking after yourself is both an important and necessary act of kindness. 

Annee de Mamiel 

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